my links

all graphics from fool lovers, various tumblr blogs, and various other sites across the web :)

hii!! welcome to moeghost :)

u can call me ghost, or whatever u know me as !! im a 17 yr old girl w a passion 4 web design and all things cute and creepy. i made this webshite to share my interests, as well as some of my art. i've been coding since i was 13, around late 2020. i've always loved being able to entirely cutomize my own space, so i think having my own webpage is perfect!!

obviously, this site is still very much a work in progress, and you may come across unavailable pages and blank spaces and such. sorry about that. im working on it, i swear!!

to do list

add graphics page
add ocs page


3//2025: all new page !!

. name: ghost !
location: in the clouds
watching: lucky star
playing: rune factory 4 special