welcome 2 my blog!

welcome !!

hello!! welcome 2 my blog :3 i suppose this is sort of a digital journal, where ill post recent happenings or really whatever's on my mind.

running a personal blog is one of the main reasons i decided to create a website, i wanted a place to share my thoughts in a cutesy digital way. i think running an online blog/diary is super fun !!


watching: lucky star
playing: shut in vampire
drinking: cherry pepsi
feeling: The current mood of moeghost at www.imood.com
working on: konata shrine !

really wanna get my life together...

i havent been drawing or doing really anything i normally enjoy lately, i just havent had much energy. the only thing i honestly feel like doing is designing this site.

coding is a lot of fun, it helps me express myself in a fun and creative way. i love the freedom this site gives me and neocities has become a really comfortable place for me. i have so many plans as for what to do with the site!! id like to start drawing again and document my progress, i want to make pages dedicated to underrated video games i think need to be talked about more, i want to create something that perfectly encapsulates who and what i am

as for the art, i very much want to create characters and fun little anmations, but i get so stressed out whenever i actually draw. i cant draw legs or clothes to save my life but i think i just need to practice more. i mean, if i give up im not gonna get anywhere...

tonight i think im gonna practice some anatomy and how to draw shapes and body parts at different angles. the faces i draw are cute enough i think, my anatomy just needs some work haha.

i think im gonna get back to my shrines, i want each of them to be unique but i cant seem to come up more than like 3 layout styles... bye 4 now !!


i didn't really feel like having an actual party, so me my mom and my sister r all gonna watch movies together and eat yummy snacks !! i dont get to see my sister much, but im glad i get to spend today with her :)

they both say they're willing to watch whatever movie i pick out, but i havent decided on anything...mainly because all of my favorite movies are pretty gory and im not sure either of them would be down to watch hostel haha.

i think we should watch Dark Night of the Scarecrow, one of my favoritest movies!! it's not really all that gory, and has a pretty lighthearted ending. i dont normally like paranormal stories, but i really love this film !

i think today will be a good day !! :3


you ever watch a movie that you love around others and realise how kinda rediculous it actually is? yea...i dont think they liked my movie haha. it was one of those 80s films where the acting kinda sucks, but i honestly thought that gave it a sort of charm

i hope they liked it at least a little tho...

i havent done much today except work on the site, to be fair i hadnt really planned to do much else. im perfectly happy spending the rest of the night playing video games in my room hehe. i plan on playing a visual novel i downloaded from itch.io called Shut-In Vampire, i believe it's also a dating sim.

the artstyle really drew me in, and all the characters are super cute!! maybe ill post a review once i finish the game :)

first post!! yay !!

this page isnt really done yet so i apologise for how empty it is...but i think im getting somewhere!!!

tomorrow is my birthday, and im a bit scared. im turning 18, officially an adult. i still feel like a kid...but on the bright side, i can get a job in my state w out a permit now !! woohoo!! i plan to spend my first ever paycheck on clothes and plushies (shocker) and maybe even a few games :3