Lucky Star!!

welcome to my lucky star shrine, a page where ill discuss what i think is the best anime to exist.
lucky star was one of the first anime's i ever watched, and i've been obsessed since 2020. i think that i can relate to every character in one way or another, which is part of what makes it so special to me.

id like to give each character their own dedicated page, as i love them all dearly and equally. i apologise if it takes me a while to complete, i may or may not have a lot to say...
anyway, i hope u can enjoy reading my autistic ramblings. :3
i've never personally read any of the mangas, so i cant really speak on that. i can, however, go on and on about the anime series!! Lucky Star the anime first aired in Japan in 2008, one year after i was born!!
i personally discovered lucky star through (of course) the internet though deviantart, tumblr, and pinterest. i fell in love with the artstyle and eventually found it on youtube for free!! whenever i get sad or need somethig light to watch, Lucky Star will always be my go-to comfort show.

if you asked me which character i feel that i relate to the most, id probably say konata. i think that a lot of people relate to her, which is what makes the show so good. she spends far too much time playing video games and scrolling endlessly on the computer, which is precisely what i spend all of my time doing
i think my favorite character might be miyuki. shes sweet, kind, smart, and loves her friends endlessly. she reminds me a bit of fluttershy from My Little Pony, another of my most favorite characters!